Extreme Luxury Items You Won’t Believe People Buy for RVs

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RVers love luxury. After all, that’s why many people choose to camp in an RV instead of sleeping on the cold, hard ground in a tent. We’ve all seen the million-dollar rigs that are enough to make anyone envious. But even every day RVers have been known to purchase some crazy luxury RV items. How crazy, or how “normal” will likely depend a lot on what RV you have and how big it is. So I included some that would seem extreme for every level of RV.

Note: Because we all pretty would secretly love to have ALL these things, for most of the items we’ve provided a link if you were curious where you could get one online.

Inflatable Hot Tubs Are a Luxury RV Item

Full disclosure here. I 100% own an inflatable hot tub. They are absolutely fantastic and worth every penny. However, I keep mine at our home base (the in-laws). When I heard other RVers say they bring their inflatable hot tub along for “camping”, my mind was blown. I can’t imagine many RV parks allowing such a setup. 

Over-The-Top Luxury Ice Maker

Some RVers consider any portable RV ice maker to be a ridiculous luxury item. You can get a nice one for around $100-$150 to enjoy a cool beverage. Then there is the GE Opal Nugget Ice Maker. This bad boy is hands down the most luxurious portable ice maker I’ve ever laid eyes on. It costs over $500! 

Would you buy this ice maker for your RV? I would be tempted if money weren’t a factor. However, since it weighs almost 50 pounds, this full-timer is going to have to pass. 

RV Fireplace

Nothing beats sitting around a fire while you’re camping. Some RVers take the luxury to the next level by installing an indoor RV fireplace. I can certainly see the benefit for camping in the fall or winter but it comes with a hefty price tag.  

CLAM Pavilion for Outdoor RV Luxury  

The luxurious CLAM Pavilion lets you enjoy the outdoors without worrying about having to slather on the mosquito repellent. You can really create your own private oasis with one of these. I can’t imagine using it for weekend camping, but for seasonal site…. Maybe! 

Outdoor Projector

If you’re watching movies on an outdoor projection screen, are you really camping? It’s probably fun when you have kids in tow. However, the people who hate outdoor LED lighting would probably have a fit about projection screens. Especially if you’re breaking camping etiquette and playing your movie loudly after quiet hours (which is typically when it is actually dark). 

outdoor projector and couch are a luxury RV item

Zero Gravity Chairs

The zero gravity camping chairs are probably the most luxurious camping chair on the market. It has a pillow, a sun, shade, and a table/cup holder. I think I’ll stick with my $30 camping chair for now. However, as my back gets older, I might no longer think of them as a luxury! The longer I look at them, the more comfortable they seem! 

Also Read:  Is Buying an RV a Waste of Your Hard-Earned Money?

Blackstone Griddle for Luxury RV Cooking

When the Blackstone griddle came out, it was certainly considered a luxury by most RVers. Now, people can’t imagine living without them. I’ve seen everything cooked on them, from cinnamon rolls to a steak dinner. If you want something less luxurious (and less expensive), they now offer a tabletop version! The full-sized option below will cost a pretty penny.

Air Fryer

I am literally the worst camping cook ever. Just add water pancakes, anyone? Then there are master chefs who couldn’t imagine RVing without their air fryer. Can you please invite me to dinner when it’s ready? 

Espresso Maker

If you can’t go without your morning coffee you’ll get along well with the espresso maker RVers. Some of these would be luxurious even in a house. In an RV some consider them to be totally over-the-top. But hey, I don’t drink coffee so I probably just don’t get it. 

Leaf Blower

Don’t want dust and dirt around while you’re camping? Blow it off with your own portable leaf blower. I have in fact seen these in use at the RV park on more than one occasion. I just stick with the broom, but it sure does take longer. 


If you’re part of the Cool RV Stuff Facebook group, you know that group is obsessed with flamingo lawn ornaments. For those of you who want a really good time while RVing, maybe you need to bring some along. Just make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into. If you have no idea what I am talking about, check out the legend of the pink flamingo.

What is the most ridiculous luxury RV item you have seen or own?

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Kathryn Mancewicz

Kathryn Mancewicz is an RV expert who has been a full time RVer since 2019. She has bylines for her RV related content on major publications including MSN, MSN Canada, and AOL. She has also been featured on Yahoo and quoted on KOA. Kathryn is also a regular RV content writer for Cheapism.